How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation: A Guide for Beginners

by | Apr 5, 2022 | Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation is an ancient Buddhist practice that has been used for centuries to cultivate awareness and in recent times, has been used to help people manage anxiety and other mental health issues.

Mindfulness practice can also increase your ability to focus on the present moment and be in tune with your surroundings, which can help you enjoy life while reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.

Mindfulness is a helpful practice for people who experience anxiety and other mood disorder problems. Mindfulness meditation can help you manage your emotions, improve self-awareness, reduce negative thinking, and heighten awareness of the present moment by focusing on the breath. Research has found that mindfulness practices have many benefits including improved cognitive function, emotional regulation, mental well-being, and physical health.

If you’re interested in trying mindfulness meditation, there are a few things you should know before getting started.

First, it’s important for you to find a quiet place where you can relax without any distractions. Next, find a comfortable place to sit or recline. Once you’re settled, close your eyes and focus on your breath. If your mind starts to wander, simply bring your attention back to your breath.

You may find it helpful to focus on the sensation of air passing in and out of your nose. You may also pay attention to your diaphragm as it expands on the in-breath and falls back toward your spine on the out-breath. You can then begin to observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind.

When you notice that you’re thinking about something, try not to judge yourself.

Simply bring your awareness back to your breathing and continue focusing on it until another thought enters your mind again. The goal of mindfulness meditation is to sit and experience the present moment with openness and acceptance. As you practice more often, you might begin to find that you have less difficulty focusing and fewer thoughts that arise.

As you continue to focus on your breathing, try not to attach meaning to the thoughts that pass through your mind. For example, if you find yourself thinking about a difficult experience from your past, simply observe it as an impartial observer and let it go as soon as possible. You can also notice any feelings or emotions that arise during meditation without attaching to them.

Remember that the point of mindfulness is not to achieve a certain state or to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions.

The goal is simply to be accepting of whatever arises in the moment without trying to change it. Do not try to actively push thoughts, emotions, or sensations away, but rather allow them to be present and notice that they’re there. For example, if you’re experiencing discomfort in your body, simply notice it without trying to get rid of it and return your awareness to your breath.

If you’re new to mindfulness meditation, it’s important to be patient with yourself. Don’t expect to achieve a state of peace and tranquility right away. Like anything else, it takes time and practice to develop the skills needed for mindfulness meditation. But with patience and dedication, you’ll soon find that mindfulness meditation can be a valuable tool for managing anxiety and living a more stress-free life.

Some Helpful Tips for Practicing Mindfulness Meditation:

  • Find a comfortable place to sit or recline
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breath
  • Observe your thoughts without judging them
  • If your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to your breath
  • Notice any feelings or emotions that arise during meditation
  • Try not to judge yourself
  • Be patient and dedicated in your practice

You can practice mindfulness meditation for as little as a few minutes or up to an hour (or longer) at a time. You may want to try practicing it once or twice daily for the first week so you have plenty of opportunities to get used to it and find out if this is something that will help you.

It’s important to be consistent with your practice so you can get the most out of it.

You can practice mindfulness meditation with a group or by yourself. Some people enjoy using guided meditations, while others prefer to do it silently without any assistance.

Once you have some experience, try practicing at different times of the day and in different environments. You might discover that one time of day works better for you than others or that practicing in different surroundings is helpful.

And finally, don’t forget to be patient and dedicated in your practice.

Mindfulness meditation takes time to develop, so it’s important that you’re consistent and patient with yourself. With a little patience and dedication, mindfulness can help you manage anxiety in your life.

If you’re experiencing anxiety and would like some help managing your symptoms and would like to explore how mindfulness and other coping skills can help you, please reach out to me for a free phone consultation.