Jungian Dream Analysis: Exploring the Unconscious Mind

by | Mar 10, 2022 | Dreamwork, Jungian Therapy

Do you ever wonder what your dreams mean? Dreams can be puzzling and sometimes seem to make no sense at all. In this blog post, I will explore the world of dreams from a Jungian perspective. Dreamwork is a way of exploring the unconscious mind through dreams.

Jungian dreamwork (or Jungian dream analysis) is based on the work of Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. Jung believed that dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind. He also believed that dreams are symbolic and can have multiple meanings. To do dreamwork, it is important to keep an open mind and look at dreams from different perspectives.

Dream Recall

The first step in doing Jungian dream analysis is to recall your dreams. This can be easier said than done. Dreams can be fleeting and disappear as soon as you wake up. Here are some tips to help you recall your dreams:

  • Get a good night’s sleep. It’s important to go through all the stages of sleep in order to dream. Dreams occur during both REM (rapid eye movement) and non-REM sleep, but we remember dreams better when we wake up from REM sleep.
  • Set an intention to remember your dreams. Before you go to bed, take a few minutes to relax and set the intention to remember your dreams. This can be done by simply focusing your attention on the dreams you would like to remember.
  • Wake up gradually. When you wake up in the morning, take a few minutes to sit up in bed and recall your dreams. Instead of thinking forward about what you need to do today, think backward about what was just happening in your dreams.
  • Keep a dream journal. Write down your dreams as soon as you wake up, and include as many details as possible. Include the emotions you felt in the dream as well as any symbols or images that stand out to you. You may also use a voice recorder if you prefer.

Jungian Dream Analysis & Interpretation

Once you’ve recalled your dreams, you can start interpreting them. Jung believed that dreams are a way for the unconscious mind to communicate with the conscious mind. That’s why it’s important to keep an open mind when interpreting dreams. Here are some tips to interpret your dreams:

  • Reflect on your dreams. After you have written down your dreams, take some time to reflect on them. What do you think they mean? What are the symbols and images trying to tell you? Try to look at your dreams from different perspectives and see what insights you can gain.
  • Look for patterns and symbols. As you look at your dreams, see if there are any patterns or symbols that stand out to you. These may be things that have personal meaning to you.
  • Think about what the dream might mean. After you have identified any patterns or symbols in your dream, take some time to think about what they might mean. What is the dream trying to tell you?
  • Share your dreams with someone else. After you have explored your dreams on your own, you may want to share them with someone else. This could be a friend, family member, therapist, or dream group. Sharing dreams can be a helpful way to gain new insights.

Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the overall feeling of the dream?
  • What did you see in the dream?
  • What did you hear in the dream?
  • Who was in the dream?
  • What happened in the dream?
  • How did you feel in the dream?

After you have asked yourself these questions, take some time to journal about your dreams. Write down your thoughts and feelings about the dreams. You may also want to draw pictures to represent your dreams.

Jung used the method of amplification to understand dreams.

To do this, he would take a symbol or image from a dream and amplify it by doing research on the meaning of the symbol. This might come from myths, fairytales, or folklore. By amplifying dreams, we can gain a deeper understanding of their meaning. There are three types of meaning to consider:

  1. Personal. Give your personal associations to symbols in the dream. For example, if you dream about a house you lived in when you were younger you may have childhood memories associated with a specific time your life.
  2. Cultural. Once you’ve thought about personal associations, you can look at cultural meanings of the symbols in your dream. For example, the eagle in American culture may represent freedom, while in Native American cultures it could represent strength, wisdom, and courage.
  3. Archetypal. Lastly, consider the archetypal meaning of dream symbols. These are the universal meanings of symbols that are found in all cultures. For example, water may represent emotions or the unconscious mind.

If you’re having trouble interpreting your dreams, there are many resources available to help you, including books, websites, and dream groups. You can also seek out a professional dream analyst or therapist trained in Jungian dreamwork.

Jungian dreamwork can be a helpful way to explore the unconscious mind and gain insights into your dreams. By taking the time to reflect on your dreams, you can learn more about yourself and what is going on in your life.

If you want to read more about dreams, here is a great article in Forbes on dream interpretation, which I was featured in.

If you’d like to learn more about your dreams and want to explore Jungian dream analysis, please reach out to me for a free consultation.